Wendy and Brian Featherston - did their training together, both have obtained their cross country ratings. They are currently in the process of building their own RV 12 two seat recreational aircraft.
Josh Zdanowicz first solo flight 15th July 2013 - cross country flight test completed 7th September 2013.  Congratulations Josh.

Update: Josh is now doing a flight training course with Adelaide Uni - going onto Commercial Pilot Licence. Good on you Josh.

Update - 10.02.17 - Josh now has his Commercial Pilots Licence in GA aircraft and has scored his first job "Bird Scaring" at the almond orchards in the Riverland. Well done Josh.

Side note:  Jarrod Vowles also one of our former students has achieved his Commercial Pilots Licence and he has also been employed to carry out "bird scaring" in the Riverland.  Congratulations Jarrod.
Oliver Stone - went solo on 24/03/2012 just 2 months after his 15th birthday, way to go Ollie. 

Update: Ollie has now completed his Recreational Pilot Certificate - 21/10/2012.

After doing considerable solo flying to consolidate his training Oliver returned to Riverland Flight Training and gained his "Cross Country" Endorsement on 30.12.16 what a great way to finish the year - congratulations well done.

Mark Stanley and his lovely wife Machiko visited from Japan so that Mark could re-new and upgrade his Recreational Aviation Certificate.

Following this Mark and Machiko did a flying tour of the Riverland with the second photo being taken on the Waikerie Aerodrome tarmac.

That's put the smile on both their faces - Mark is X-Riverlander, who used to fly gliders at Waikerie and worked in the Glider Maintenance Business based there, Machiko also flew gliders at Waikerie.  As Mark said he was still smiling even after they had arrived back in Japan.

Doug Johns, successfully completed his RAAus Pilot Certificate early February 2016, and to top it off he bought himself a Jabiru. Congratulations Doug.
Congratulations to Simon Brown - successfully passing his flight test for his "Cross Country Endorsement". Good job Simon !! Jan 2016
Nelson Hayes - soloed 19.07.16 (age 16) another youngster showing great potential.
Students Progress 
with us and after
Congratulations to Ben Pankhurst (left) and Jaiden Nairne-Nagy. Ben had his first solo flight early February and Jaiden's first solo was late January.

Too young to drive a motor vehicle, but not too young to pilot an aircraft.

As they say "One small step" ----------
SOLO - congratulations Luke Andrew, flying solo on the 30th August 2017.  I don't who know who was prouder, Luke or his Dad, Warren. Great achievement Luke. 
Dale Rohkamper from Mildura, successfully completed his RAAus Flying Certificate in June - Congratulations Dale - we enjoyed your visits.